Right-click your selection, and then click Copy.
In the message that you want to copy the names from, click the names in the To or Cc box. Create a Contact Group by copying names from an email message. Do this for each person whom you want to add to the Contact Group, and then click OK.The Contact Group is saved in your Contacts folder under the name that you give it. You can add names from different address books to the same Contact Group. In the list of names, click the names that you want, and then click Members. In the Address Book drop-down list, click the address book that contains the email addresses that you want to include in your Contact Group. If you are adding a new email contact, enter the information for the person in the Add New Member dialog box.If you are adding a member from Outlook Contacts or an Address Book, do the following:. On the Contact Group tab, in the Members group, click Add Members, and then click From Outlook Contacts, From Address Book or New Email Contact. In the Name box, type a name for the Contact Group. In Contacts, on the Home tab, in the New group, click New Contact Group. Create a Contact Group with new names or names in the Address Book. There is no maximum number of names that you can include in a Contact Group. You can include Contact Groups in email messages, meeting requests, task requests, and in other Contact Groups. A message sent to a Contact Group goes to all the recipients listed in the group. A Contact Group, known in previous Microsoft Outlook versions as a distribution list, is the grouping of email addresses into a group.